Blazblue central fiction color references
Blazblue central fiction color references

blazblue central fiction color references

  • Lastly, she plays the role of school nurse in Carl's Gag Reel.Īrakune: I'm in a role-playing game.
  • They're surrounded with two guys, one intellectual and so far is the one winning their affection (Arakune/Lotte Carmine and Hideo Shimazu), one Hot-Blooded guy who probably had one-sided crush on them (Bang Shishigami and Hayato Nekketsu, the latter of whom teamed up with Kyoko and Hideo in Project Justice).
  • Though they seem professional/kind most of the time, when nobody's looking, they tend to be Lady Drunk (Litchi as seen in Noel's CT Joke End and Tsubaki's Gag Reel, Kyoko's All There in the Manual).
  • Both tangled/sided with the antagonist faction (NOL and Justice High), but their true personality seems to leer to actually good hearted people.
  • They're also teachers (Litchi taught the Kaka clan, Kyoko is a Badass Teacher) They had an occasion wearing a lab coat too (Litchi on the back stories as her scientist days, Kyoko wears it all the time, even in combat), and both wear glasses all the time.
  • They're two Hospital Hotties with leerings to Hot Scientist (Litchi was before, Kyoko was after) with long black hair.
  • A lot of Litchi's traits are similar to school nurse Kyoko Minazuki.
  • This gem from Calamity Trigger Reconstruct.
  • Bloodedge, Ragna's time-displaced alternate self who fought the Black Beast, pays further homage to Gintoki by only wearing his jacket on the left side, much like how Gintoki wears his outfit.
  • This inspires various Blazblue x Gintama MAD videos. It is implied in the materials collection that Mori asked Tomokazu Sugita to be Ragna after he watched Gintama. Both Ragna and Gintoki are badass white haired swordsmen whose fear of ghosts makes them scream like girls.
  • His personality in joke endings is influenced by Gintoki, with whom he shares the same voice actor.
  • Guess which Castlevania character he did?
  • Hilariously, Ragna's VA is Patrick Seitz.
  • It doesn't help that his theme song also has the same name as Dante's sword.
  • Sound familiar? Bonus points in that they have similar personalities to their respective counterparts.
  • Blonde/White-Haired Guy with big sword in red trench coat has a brother in a blue coat with katana.
  • Word of God also says that he was inspired by Heine from the manga Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, with additional inspiration from Dante and Cloud.
  • (Manga only) Dead Older Sister, Tessla.
  • Also, there's stuff like the crazy brother, dead female companion, (Rem may not have been Vash and Knives' sister, but damn close enough) the robot arm and the wing that comes out of his arm.
  • According to Word of God, Ragna drew inspiration from another wanted man in red, Vash the Stampede.

  • Blazblue central fiction color references